Sunday, 17 March 2013

BLOOD TRAIL 1:35 US Yankee Scout and Tracker 1/35 Masterbox

I eventually put together the figures for this diorama, I had several ideas for it but this is how it turned out, it seems to work, feedback whether it does or not would be appreciated.  The figures are obviously as were described in the earlier post so wont go on about them.
I decided on the Indian Scout Tracker and mounted Sergeant following the BLOOD TRAIL of a wounded fugitive.

Pictures taken by my phone, so not the best, any questions or comments are most welcome,  Michael.


  1. Excellent looking diorama. Love the whole composition. Dean

  2. Well done Michael! I'm embarrassed to tell you that I had seen this diorama posted on another forum a week or so ago, but didn't recognize them as being yours. Sorry!

    The horses look great. I especially like the job you did on the darker of the two.

    I have this Masterbox set as well as the other one you referred to of the Pennsylvania Cavalry charging and hope to one or the other painted some day. Ha! Who am I kidding?

    Nicely done Michael. Keep up the good work.

