Thursday, 21 November 2019

Clint Eastwood as The Good by Art Girona in 70mm Soldat De Plom 2019

Here again is another of my entries into Soldat De Plom 2019.

Its in 70mm by Art Girona and of course is modeled on Clint Eastwood from The Good the Bad and the Ugly film.  Photos by Paco.
Thanks for looking and any comments or questions are welcome.


  1. Are these for sale? I love the one of Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn as well.

  2. Hello there, some of my work is already sold, but this one of Clint Eastwood is still available and others also. If you let me know which you are interested in and contact me by Email we can take it from there.
    Thanks in advance Michael.
