Again its been a long time since I have posted, but here we go again. This is a bust sculpted by Offo of Eli Wallach as Calvera from the film The Magnificent Seven.
Its an absolute fantastic likeness which made the painting of it very easy,
I took this and a couple other of my painted models to The Moson Show in Hungary to enter into the competition and I managed to get a Bronze and a Silver, not too bad I suppose.
There were hundreds of entries and modelers entered from around the World.
While at the Show I managed to meet and speak to several fellow modelers who I had only seen through Youtube, Blogs etc.
I have the Magnificent 7 themselves to paint next, again all excellently sculpted by Offo, whom I managed to meet at the Show.
I never actually took any photos of my models, I was too busy talking etc, so I have borrowed these images of the Bust from other peoples report of the Show.
Thanks for looking and any comments or questions are most welcome.
I love this, it's a beautiful piece of work